UPUMS Librarian Grade-2 Recruitment 2023

Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences (UPUMS) has published a new recruitment notification to fill up Librarian Grade-II posts on a regular basis. Candidates who are eligible and interested can apply online mode before the last date through the official website of UPUMS. Applicants also check other details related to UPUMS Librarian Recruitment 2023-24 like how to apply, the selection process, age limit, educational eligibility, salary, and more details will be shared below.
UPUMS Librarian Grade --II Recruitment Details
- Name of the Post: Librarian Grade-II
- Total Vacancies: 05 Positions
- Educational Eligibility: B.Sc. Degree/ Bachelor’s Degree in Library Science.
- Age Limit: 18 years to 40 years
- Salary: Rs.35400 to 112400
- Selection Process: Applicants will be selected based on scoring high marks in the recruitment test.
Last date for submitting applications: N/A